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边国民 高分子化学博士

关键词 边国民 , 高分子化学博士|2010-04-27 15:33:48|行业人物|来源 中国涂附磨具网
摘要 姓名:边国民性别:男出生年月:1956.7职务:总经理职称:高分子化学博士&nb

姓名: 边国民 性别: 男    出生年月:1956.7   
职务: 总经理 职称:高分子化学博士    参加工作时间:1975.6
从事本专业时间: 25年

    现任太尔广东公司总经理并负责太尔中国的研发。毕业于南开大学化学系高分子化学专业,获学士和硕士学位,毕业后就职于该校高分子研究所和化工厂。九十年代后,在北美学习和工作, 获美国克拉克森大学化学博士学位。
    在太尔公司工作了17 年, 其中在加拿大太尔研发中心任职11 年, 领导开发了许多重要工业树脂项目。2004 年后转至太尔中国广东工厂任职, 把太尔在欧美的涂附磨具领域的技术引进到了中国并根据市场的需求进一步完善。


(1) 专利号:KR20040080441(A)
    申请号:KR20047009577 20040618
    优先号码():WO2002US40520 20021219; US20010023827 20011221 

Abstract of KR 20040080441  (A)

  The present invention is drawn to a composition comprising abrasive particles comprising an organic resin for chemical mechanical planarization (CMP), which can be widely used in the semiconductor industry. The abrasive composition is an aqueous slurry comprising abrasive particles comprising an organic resin, wherein the slurry is held at a pH in the range of 2-12. An attractive feature of the inventive abrasive composition is that it can be tailored to selectively remove different components from the surface. The inventive abrasive composition also provides efficient polishing rates and good surface quality when used in CMP applications. 

(2) 专利号:US2002004554(A1)

    申请号:US20010821034 20010330
    优先号码():US20010821034 20010330; US20000571845 20000516

Abstract of US 2002004554  (A1)

  A one-step, in-situ, process for producing a high solids content emulsion or dispersion of partially or totally crosslinked urea formaldehyde (UF), melamine formaldehyde (MF), or melamine urea formaldehyde (MUF) resin droplets or particles, by forming a reaction mixture of (i) aqueous formaldehyde (formalin), (ii) at least one water-soluble protective colloid, (iii) water and (iv) optionally a surfactant, and mixing the reaction mixture in a reaction vessel; optionally adjusting the initial pH of the reaction mixture according to a desired value as needed; adding (i) urea or substituted urea, (ii) melamine or substituted melamine, or (iii) a mixture thereof, to the reaction mixture; and heating the reaction mixture to a temperature at which condensation takes place between the (i) urea or substituted urea, (ii) the melamine or substituted melamine, or (iii) the mixture thereof, and the formaldehyde to form a urea formaldehyde, melamine formaldehyde or melamine urea formaldehyde resin, and holding the reaction mixture at that temperature or a higher temperature, under mixing, for a period of time sufficient to achieve a desired degree of crosslinking in said urea formaldehyde, melamine formaldehyde or melamine urea formaldehyde resin; and cooling the reaction mixture. The droplet or particle size of the resulting resin dispersion can be controlled and adjusted by way of the present technique to the application requirements.


     申请号:WO2000FI00244 20000324
     优先号码():FI19990000674 19990326; FI19990000675 19990326

Abstract of WO 0058400  (A1)

  Method for the manufacture of a colourless or light-coloured phenolic polymer network using upon curing a phenolic resin emulsion and/or dispersion, in which an aldehyde, a phenolic compound and an alkaline catalyst are allowed to react at a temperature of 40-(100 DEG C until a desired degree of condensation is achieved, and the pH of the resin is adjusted to a value below 9 using an acid in the presence of a surface active agent or a mixture of surface active agents at a temperature below the boiling point and a phenolic resin emulsion and/or dispersion is obtained and used as a precursor to give a colourless or light-coloured polymer network when cured. The phenolic resin emulsion and/or dispersion may optionally be spray-dried.  


     申请号:CA19992282778 19990917
     优先号码():FI19990000674 19990326

Abstract of WO 0058400  (A1)

  A method for the manufacture of a phenolic resin emulsion and/or dispersion, wherein an aldehyde, a phenolic compound and an alkaline catalyst are allowed to react at a temperature of 40 -100.degree.C until a desired degree of condensation is achieved, and the pH of the resin is adjusted to a value below 9 using an acid, at a temperature below 100.degree.C, in the presence of a surface active agent or a mixture of surface active agents. A phenolic resin emulsion and/or dispersion is obtained which provides a colourless or light-coloured glue line or surface when cured.


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